Sunday, October 26, 2008

Letters Between Mother and Child

Here are correspondences between my dad and his mom while the prior was still in the hospital.

Above is a letter my dad made just as doctors diagnosed that he has to undergo a bypass operation.

Here's a letter my dad made immediately after he was revived from a cardiac arrest. This made us decide in favor of the bypass operation. My dad was a Marian devotee and what he has experienced was something inexplainable.

A letter from my dad's mom.

The letter-reply of my dad to the previous letter.

Inang - My Grandmother

Here's to Inang - after the "storm." It's going to be her birthday tomorrow, October 27th! Happy 89th birthday Inang! Also, Happy Wedding Anniversary to Auntie!

Macro And Landscape Photography 101

Here's some pictures I took a long time ago while I was about to go home after work from my new office.

And here's the big and "photogenic" tree which stands right inside The Manila American Cemetary and Memorial inside Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Philippines.